Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 8

List of potential competitors for Islington College

·        NOVA International College

·        Kings College

·        Silver Mountain College

·        British College

·        ISMT College

·        Presedential College

·        Softwarica College

Develop a porter’s five forces model for Islington college:

1. Bargaining power of supplier

We can get International degree from very few colleges here in Nepal, and Islington is one of them. Providing the international degree is not the only thing that students and parents consider, the quality and acceptability of that degree is also very important, which is provided by Islington college through a renowned university “London Metropolitan University” which is in England, London. It is also an oldest college among its competitors. It can  provide international degree in management and IT, which is far better than its competitors because they provide only one degree. Another big factor that gives Islington college an edge over its competitors is it affordability, other colleges offers the degree in high cost when compared to Islington college. Islington college is also certified and approved and recognized by the Nepalese government, whereas there are some colleges who provides international degrees but are not certified and recognized by the Nepalese government.

2. Threat of substitute products
Islington college has got a very strong bargaining power and advantages over its potential competitors  which makes the threat from its potential competitors very rear and small.  All of the advantages that Islington college tends to provide the students like low cost and quality education  makes it more attractive to the students.

3. Competitive rivalry
Existence of differentiation, exit barriers and very few competitors, the chances of rivalry among the colleges remains very small. This gives Islington college an edge to operate smoothly, effectively and efficiently at  its best.

4. Buyers power
Islington college provides a truly international degree at a very low  price, which itself gives it the edge against people giving  Islington college much power than the people. Other than that, it provides scholarships to the deserving and qualified students to help them and encourage them  to study  even more carefully and  seriously.

5. Barriers to entry
It takes a lot of capital, infrastructures, advanced technologies to establish and  operate a college, it is itself a big barrier for the entry of any new colleges. Other barriers can be approval and authorization from the government,  availability of suitable locations, etc.

Hence, because of the advantages like bargaining power, quality education in low cost, existence of very few competitors (colleges)  in the market, and etc that the Islington college has got, it gains a very strong competitive advantage over other colleges which provides international degrees in Nepal.

To which strategic group might Islington College belong?

Islington College belongs to a group with comparatively high price and high quality with higher number of students too.

Can you map the group?

Yes, I can map the group.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 7

About Big Mart Supermarket

A supermarket needs wide variety of quality products and services, customer friendly environment, convenience and affordable price to be well known among customers and Big-mart Supermarket has it all. Big-mart is one of the renowned supermarkets in Nepal operating since 2009. Currently, it has 2 branches in Kathmandu the capital city of the country and is planning to operate in new places as well. It provides large variety of grocery products from chewing gum and candies to snack foods and meat in really affordable prices.

PESTLE Analysis of BigMart Supermarket


Nepal is a politically in-stable country and this has been affecting many organizations including Big-mart. Big-mart has to analysis and consider the sub-factors that come under political factors so that its business does not get affected.

The political factors are:

· The main problem could be considered is “No  Constitution” has been made as of now, which is really a big problem.

·         Political Instability

·         Insecurity

·         Frequent demands of donations and political help from different political parties.

·         Frequent strikes that hampers the business.

·         Labour problems & Political influence over employees selection.

·         They feel that the tax policy for imports are not very favorable for Organizations as well as Big Mart.


Since Economic forces has a direct influence in the business, i would like to list different economic factors that Big Mart is facing:-

· Big Mart is in a very good position because, right now the economic situation of Nepal is very stable and sustainable.

· The earning of people is increasing, and with the increase in earning, the spending's are also increasing which is very good for Big Mart too.

· The economic trend of Nepal is rising and improving from 1950s, which is very good for Big Mart.

· There was not any effect of the recent recession which occurred in United States and Europe in Nepal, its another motivating and important indicator to Big Mart that its business wouldn't be affected even if recession occurs in overseas economies.

· Big Mart management seemed to be a bit miffed by the government’s tax policies. They have the complain that the government imposes higher tax on their imported products, which results in high pricing of those products ultimately affecting their sales.

· As for weather issues, they said that during winter season and rainy season it is very difficult to import goods from outside or inside the country. They said that in winter season they have to face many delayed cargo shipments to be imported due to bad weather (fog) and, in rainy season they have to face the delay from within the country due to landslides and road blocks resulted from heavy rain.

· The increment in labour cost has also effected Big Mart.

· Globalization has a good impact on Big Mart because due to globalization they are being able to offer products which are found in United States, England and other countries.

· Rapid change in the exchange rates is also giving problems to Big Mart.



Everything which is cultural and social within a country or society is embodied by social environment. Here are the list of different social forces that have or could have influence on Big Mart:-

· Consumers attitude have changed over the years regarding shopping, now they like to shop in places like Big Mart where they can get everything they want at one place, which is very good for Big Mart.

· People feel prestigious to buy in places like Big Mart.

· Big Mart also does social contribution by organizing blood donation programmes, placing water jars in public places, fund raising programmes for natural disaster victims, which gives a very good message in the community.

Technology :.

World is being technically advanced. New technology comes every now and then. Every
organizations have to get updated with new technologies, in order to get competitive advantage over others. Big mart is also updating with the technology, for the convenience of customers and to be competitive in the industry. Big mart currently possess following technologies:

  • Installation of CCTV for security and surveillance.
  • Electronic counters
  • Digital membership cards
  • Product information on its website
  • Use of EFTPOS machines.


People are very conscious about the environment these days. Therefore they try to avoid things that are not environment friendly. For this reason, to remain competitive and care for the environment and the customers, Big mart is planning to use solar power for lighting purpose at the time of load-sheding instead of using diesel generators in near future.

Other environmental factors to be considered are

  • Use of environment friendly products such as paper bags.
  • Environment protection campaigns.
  • Awareness among people regarding global warming due to business activities.


Every organizations have to follow legal aspect according to the country they operate in. Every organization have to sell products and provide service that are legal and at reasonable price. Below are some of the things that Big mart is following to carry out its operation in legal manner.

  • They are registered business organization with permission from register office.
  • Big mart has legal authority to provide goods and services.
  • They don't sell products that are restricted by the government.
  • They sell only genuine products.
  • And they have reasonable price for their products.

Week 6

1.What is meant by the term  “External Analysis” ?  What is the purpose of “PESTLE‟ analysis? 

External Analysis

Organizational Environment
External  analysis can be simply explained as the process of examining the threats and opportunities that exists in a firm’s environment . In any firm, threats and opportunities both exists independently. 
External analysis examines the two major environments for identifying the threats and opportunities for the firm. They are:-

i) General environments (Macro factors)
· Government rules and regulations
· Demographics (population growth, age)
· Various economic indicators (GDP growth, inflation, interest rates)

ii) Industry environments (Micro factors)

·Porter’s 5 forces model

It primarily focuses on choosing a industry where we should be as a company? And, industries with the highest profits potentials?

It focuses on, how to create and further enhance our competitive advantages over others by manipulating industry forces?

PESTEL Analysis

In simple words, PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental. There are many other acronyms found for PESTEL which are STEEPLE, PEST, STEP and ETPS. It is considered to be a very important and handy tool to understand the “wider aspect” of the environment in which the organization is operating.
 Primarily, the purpose of a PESTLE analysis is to understand the major risks which are associated with the market decline or growth,  and such as the direction, potential and position for an individual business or an business organization / firm.
PESTEL analysis is used to find out the actual position of the business organization or products. 

It’s primary purpose is to bring up a useful picture of what the business or product’s future may look like and what further actions might be needed to be implied, or what’s and when should be the major action be taken through the various tools of PESTEL analysis like short term, medium term, external and internal environment and combined with risk analysis.

2. Read the article about Big Mart Super Store – what external issues are the Super Markets would have to consider at this time to have competitive advantage over others?

It is very important for every business organizations or super markets to perform a PESTEL analysis to identify, analyze and understand the environment where they would be operating, this could help them to formulate the possible best strategies to adapt with the changing environment and gain competitive advantage over other competitors. 

Big mart really needs to perform a PESTEL analysis so that they will be able to minimize their limitations and maximize their opportunities in the market by simply identifying their opportunities and limitations, which will also help them to gain competitive advantage over their competitors. Identifying the possible customers is very important for every super markets for which they need to do market analysis. Super markets also have to do their best to meet customer requirements which can be achieved by considering the buying behaviors of customers. Every super markets should have all possible and available knowledge and informations about their possible competitor organizations and also their strategies, so that strategies can be made to stay ahead of all the competitors.

Hence, these are some of the many factors that any super market or Big mart can consider to gain competitive advantage against other super markets.

3) Discuss your preparation for the activity field work. Have you arranged to meet group? Have you been to the Big mart before? How are you planning to record your data?

Well, we are planning to meet the manager of Big mart collectively as a group and put our queries infront of him/her. We will try to get as many information and data as we can from him/her regarding our task. Yes, we all have been to Big mart many time before, as a matter of fact, it is in the way to our college. All our group members have made out a set of questions that they would be asking with the manager, and as for recording the data we will be using note book to note down the data.

(Additional Task - Group Task)

Undertaking PESTLE analysis for Nepal higher education industry

Political factors has a very major effect on higher education industry scenario of Nepal. The major issue in Nepal regarding the political factor is the instability, which is affecting the education industry very much. The number of college and schools are increasing day by day, but they are not maintaining the education standards.


Due to unemployment, higher inflation rate, political instability, purchasing power of Nepalese is very low. 40% of Nepalese are still under poverty line. Because of poverty and unemployment, youngsters are going abroad for employment rather than continuing their study. And many people in Nepal still can’t afford for the higher education. However banks these days provide student loan which in fact is a very good thing.


Sociocultural environment is composed of different values, beliefs, class, social institution and customs of people and their expectations. For those who belong to good family it has become a trend to go abroad for higher studies. On the other hand there are still some people in Nepal who believe that education is not necessary. Instead of sending children to school and colleges, parents are sending them to rear cattle and help them in farming. But this trend is changing slowly because of modernization, now parents have understood the importance of education to their children.


Technological environment refers to the entire technical environment that affects an organization. It includes system, skills, methods and equipment. Use different advance technology for teaching purpose like projectors, computers, and internet has made study more fun and easy to understand. Technology has become an integral part for any industry to survive and stay competitive. Gradually Nepalese higher education is introducing technology for the education purpose.


There are certain legal procedures that need to be followed before starting any business and same for the higher education industry as well. They need to meet all the mentioned criteria and need to be registered for their operation.


Nepal is very much diversified in terms of geographical location. There are still places where transportation hasn’t reached. So for the people in such areas higher education is still difficult.

Which factors impact the most at the present time? Why?

All the factors mentioned above impact the higher education industry in Nepal. However political and economic factors impact the most. Because of unstable political condition, schools and colleges are opening but they are not even fulfilling the minimum requirements and providing quality education. Regular and smooth operation of schools and colleges has become difficult because of political strikes. The other factor is economic, because of poverty and unemployment people can’t really afford for higher education. People are bound to work and financially support their family instead of studying.

Hence to make this situation better the first thing required is stable politics. And the other thing is employment to the people that raise the living standard of people and therefore they can afford for higher education.

What are the key factors for success in this industry? (What do you have to do really well to survive and prosper in the industry?)

Some of the key factors to success in this industry could be

  • Analyzing the internal environment and external environment very well such as political, environmental, sociocultural, technological, economic, and legal. So that organizations are aware of the possible changes and could adapt those changes quickly to gain competitive advantage.

  • Providing scholarships to the students who perform best which attracts students and motivate them in studying.

  • Providing good infrastructures, quality education are other keys for success in this industry.

Week 5

1. Post 3 recent strategy job adverts on your Learning Journal. You can do these as one entry or three separate journal entries

Job Advertisement 1


Policy and Strategy Coordinator

Are you the kind of person who enjoys being at the heart of the action in the small but dynamic office of a leading human rights organization? Could you throw yourself into a vital coordinating role on which all your colleagues rely? This is a job for someone who enjoys being the hub of activity, encouraging and helping a cheerful and diverse international team to excel in lobbying Europe's key decision-makers. This function needs an engaging personality who can pour a lot of energy and creativity into the role. At the same time we’re looking for someone who is highly motivated by the need to redress human rights violations around the world, who can acquire knowledge swiftly, and who can interact diplomatically and calmly with colleagues and outside contacts under pressure.

Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office in Brussels is looking for a Policy and Strategy Coordinator to join our team in February 2012. This will be a full-time permanent post.

Please fill in the application form on our website and send it to no later than 9.00 am on Monday, 28 November 2011. Interviews will be held on 9 and 10 January 2012 in Brussels.

We do not accept CVs.

Amnesty International is an equal opportunities employer and offers competitive remuneration with benefits under Belgian law.

Job description

Job Title: Policy & Strategy Coordinator – Full-time

Purpose of Job: Planning and implementing AI European Institutions Office (EIO) programme by efficiently coordinating the EIO’s plans, actions and communications targeting the European Union and Council of Europe

Reports to: Director, Amnesty International EIO

Other key relationships: All staff in the EIO

AI’s European national sections and structures

AI’s International Secretariat (IS)

Europe & Central Asia Programme, IS Other IS programmes

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Strategy: Planning and Monitoring

- Overseeing biannual and project planning, ensuring compliance and integration with global and regional plans of the movement

- Developing and maintaining effective planning systems for EIO output

- Developing and coordinating completion of reporting and monitoring frameworks

- Ensuring efficient coordination of public actions, including timely delivery of strategies, texts and approvals by EIO staff, and communications with other colleagues

2. Implementation

- Drafting and helping produce and disseminate EIO documents internally within AI and to European policy-makers and networks, ensuring compliance with AI policy

- Maintaining excellent relations and strategic coherence with the team and other AI colleagues and partner organisations

- Expanding AI’s profile on EU issues by developing proposals for events and identifying new strategic targets

- Acting as a point of contact, responding to inquiries from officials, colleagues, and the public

- Helping the Capacity Building Programme to run Europe-wide meetings for staff, including agenda setting, contributing to logistics, and presentations

- Leading on EIO implementation of AI’s gender and diversity mainstreaming policy

- Representing AI externally as requested

- Helping the director coordinate AI’s European network (European Directors’ Forum, Board, etc)

- Helping the director to implement EIO work programme

Skill requirements:

1.    Knowledge

• At least three years’ relevant work experience, of which at least two working in an international non-governmental organisation

• Good understanding of international and European human rights law and context

• Good knowledge of the political and organisational context of European institutions

• Ability to devise and run planning and monitoring systems

• Broad understanding of gender and diversity issues and principles of gender mainstreaming

• Experience of establishing and maintaining systems, enabling efficient work coordination and output

2.    Skills

• Proven excellence in writing and editing skills in English

• Excellent communication, networking, and inter-personal skills

• Deep knowledge of international work environment and intercultural communication

• Excellent strategic, analytical and problem-solving skills

• Excellent ability to apply objectivity, impartiality and sensitivity to work

• Excellent ability to set strategic goals in accordance with organisational priorities, monitor plans, and evaluate outcome

• Strong political savvy and ability to be pragmatic and diplomatic with a range of players within and outside AI

• Strong computer skills

• Excellent ability to plan and prioritize work, including when under pressure, ensuring deadlines are met

• Excellent ability to work cooperatively, internally and externally, including with people from diverse backgrounds

• At least two European languages

3.    Personal Qualities


• Innovative and independent, contributing to the team’s overall goals, taking responsibility and demonstrating initiative in own work area

• Ability to work in a team, share information and help with all sorts of minor tasks required in an NGO office

• Managing all relationships within and outside AI constructively and diplomatically, maintaining sense of humor

• Strong sense of service to colleagues and EIO board

• Capacity to work in a multicultural environment

• Ability to meet deadlines under pressure

• Skilled at rallying support at moments of high pressure

• Strong interest in and commitment to human rights

• Willingness to travel 

 Job Advertisement 2


Manager / Asst General Manager - Corporate Strategy
by Larsen and Toubro limited in Mumbai

Experience: 8 to 13 yrs. Posted on: 08 Dec
Job Description

· Support Implementation of initiatives

·  Organize communication workshops

·  Support / Drive Change Management Initiatives

·  Conduct Operations Diagnostic, Identify Improvement Opportunities and Drive Implementation

·  Develop Perspective/ Business Plan and Identify Strategic Initiatives

·  Study feasibility of new opportunities/ businesses


Not Disclosed by Recruiter


Construction, Engineering, Cement, Metals

Functional Area:

Strategy, Management Consulting, Corporate Planning

Role Category:

Corporate Planning/ Consulting/ Strategy


Corporate Planning/ Strategy Manager


Desired Candidate Profile


(UG - BBA/B.Tech/B.E. - Any Specialization) AND (PG - MBA/ PGDM / -Optional - Any Specialization) AND ( Doctorate - Any Doctorate - Any Specialization, Doctorate Not Required)

·         Support Implementation of initiatives

·         Organize communication workshops

·         Support / Drive Change Management Initiatives

·      Conduct Operations Diagnostic, Identify Improvement Opportunities and Drive Implementation

·         Develop Perspective/ Business Plan and Identify Strategic Initiatives

·         Study feasibility of new opportunities/ businesses

BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCIES: Ability to conceptualize and define problem set, Strong analytical skills, Good communication skills (Oral and Written), Ability to interact /coordinate with different disciplines and levels of management, Self starter, Integrity

Candidates with a background in EPC Projects / Hydrocarbon space / Consultancy are preferred

Company Profile

Larsen and Toubro limited

L & T is one of India's most respected companies, widely admired for its technological achievements, its professional value systems and high standards of corporate governance. The Company meets critical requirements in key sectors - infrastructure, oil & gas, power, petrochemical, chemical, mining and civil construction. It sustains leadership in its major lines of business through a customer-focused approach, an innovative culture and the ability to respond positively to challenging requirements. To meet our growing needs, we require talented professionals to join our teams of engineers and professionals.

Contact Details

Recruiter Name: Human Resource Team

Contact Company: Larsen and Toubro limited

link -
(Visited in December 8, 6:15 PM)

Job Advertisement 3

Manager -corporate Planning & Business Strategy
by PAD Consultancy Services hiring for A large Diversified Business Group in Mumbai
Experience: 4 to 8 yrs. | Opening(s): 1
Posted on: 08 Dec

Job Description

1.Support Corporate initiatives in Planning, Strategy, Business Analysis, Financial Modeling & Business Development
2.Assist Senior Management to develop road map for new business
3.Conduct Financial analysis & viability of identified projects





Functional Area:

Strategy, Management Consulting, Corporate Planning

Role Category:

Corporate Planning/ Consulting/ Strategy


EA to Chairman/ President/ VP


Desired Candidate Profile


(UG - Any Graduate - Any Specialization) AND (PG - MBA/PGDM - Optional, Any Specialization, Finance) AND ( Doctorate - Doctorate Not Required)

Excellent Communication, presentation and analytical skills.Ability to work in a Dynamic organization with focus on decision making.Business acumen & problem solving attitude required.Must have worked in a similar role with a reputed Business Group.

Company Profile

PAD Consultancy Services

the Company has diverse businesses and the role involves working very closely with the top Management.

Contact Details

Recruiter Name: Indru

Telephone: 9820075346

(Visited on - 8th December 2012 at 6:22 PM)

2. Discuss these jobs (or you can think about all the jobs from today). What kind of skills and traits do you need to get a job as a strategist? Were there any jobs that you would consider applying for in the future? (explain why, or why not).

Strategy is the key word that was present in all of these jobs. All these jobs were strategy related. All these jobs require the candidate to be excellent in communication skills presentation skills , skillful in planning , monitoring & implementing strategy and having problem solving attitude too. Analyzing the business environment and helping formulate strategic decisions were the primary task in all of these jobs. Hence, we can conclude that all of these jobs were alike in many aspects.

Being a strategist, you need to have certain skills & traits. The kind of skills & traits that we need to have to get a job as a strategist are as follows :

· Communication skills :

Communication skills are very important for a strategist. A good strategist should have good communication skills in both oral and written forms. Communication is the best way to interpret and exchange view, ideas & thought to each-other. By getting to know the problems & issues of the organisation and developing the strategy to solve it, the strategist again needs to communicate with the staffs & administration (mgmt) to implement the strategy. Therefore, communication skills is very important to get a job as a strategist.

·  Research skills :

A good strategist should also have research skills because, to understand the problem and issues ithe organisation & to develop & implement the best strategy to solve those problems & issues, the strategist needs to do a very deep and through research. Hence, we need to posses research skills to get a job as a strategist.

·  Adaptiveness to multiple environment :

As a good strategist, we need to be adaptive to different environment. It is also a very important skill that a strategist should have. A strategist have to work in different type of environment and the one with the adaptiveness to multiple environment will get success. Therefore, we should be able to adapt in multiple environment too.

· Technological skills :

The world is very rapidly advancing in the technological sector. Electronic system are used to do most of the work nowadays. The activities like collection of information and data, analyzing and interpreting of data are all done with the help of electronic machines system. Hence, it becomes very important to have the technological knowledge to get a job as a strategist.

Yes, there is one job that i would like to do. The job that i would like to do is as a social media strategist. Identifying social user behavior, developing full circle, social media strategist, etc are the jobs that a social media strategist needs to do, and i think that i could do these things very well. And, the salary is also very attractive for a social media strategist. This is a difficult job which needs very high creativity and innovativeness, and i would love to work in my innovativness and creativity to tackle with the problems that the organisation would come across.

3. What do you want to do when you have finished this course? What skills do you want to improve in the next year in order to help you reach your goals?

After we finish this course i would like to work as a social media strategist for some renowned companies. To be a social media strategist we need to have very good interpersonal skills, communication and presentation skills and reasoning skills, knowledge of social media platforms, emerging technologies and application and latest marketing strategies and tactics too and many more. 

The main skills that i would like to improve in the next year would be gaining more knowledge on the emerging applications and technologies, budget management, and latest marketing strategies and tactics. The other skills that i would like to improve would be developing my presentation skills to reach my goals.

4. Try and post one advert to the blog – try to make sure it’s new and not already posted. Put a note in your learning journal entry if you managed to do this. 


Consultant - Corporate

Posted: 08 December 2012
Ref: NK998876
Location: Kathmandu
Industry: Marketing and Advertising
Function: Consultant
Level:  Junior Executive
Contract: Permanent
Hours: Full - Time
Salary: 40-60k per month (Nepalese Rupees)
Job Description:
A Successful Nepal based Marketing and Advertisement consultancy is seeking an intellectual and experienced consultant for their company.
·         Journalistic experience
·         Knowledge about new media technologies, improvements and developments.
·         Good presentation skills
·         Client management skills
·         When necessary, he/she should be able to lead pitches
·         Based upon respect and communication, he/she should have the skills to develop strong relationships with the clients
·         Should be a good networker who can grow many contacts
The person with the above skills and requirements can forward their CV to Nashib Khan at