Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Week 3 - Learning Journal

Journal 3

1) Why is strategy making like a science and why is it also like an art or craft?

Strategy making is like a science because it uses the scientific analytical tools to get the best result. Hypothetical testing, conducting multiple experiments of numerous samples are done to get the best result. The strategies are not developed based on simple decisions and conclusions, it takes a very long scientific process like different hypothetical testings and multiple experiments to pass-out the strategy. Hence, we can justify that strategy making is like a science.

Meanwhile, strategy making is also like an art or craft because like in art or craft one should be skillful and should have practical knowledge of the related field and the same applies here in strategy making process.

2) In your own words and using referenced quotes, describe the difference between intended strategy and emergent strategy.

The difference between intended strategy and emergent strategy are listed as follows:-

·Intended strategies are those strategies that are done deliberately to identify the intention of action in a corporation.

While, emergent strategies are those strategies that have to be developed in an instance and in short-notice, but both strategies focuses on the content of the strategy.

·Intended strategies marks visions or acts that emphasizes intention. It marks exact business intention.

While, emergent strategy is referred as a realized strategy.

·Emergent strategies are considered more upcoming and flexible than Intended strategies by most of the business theorists.

·Intended strategies are developed in an organization in the presence of organizational goals and missions.

While, Emergent strategies are developed in an organization in the absence of specific goals and mission.


3) Choose two of the 10 schools of strategy thought and describe them in your own words. Try and provide a real world example for each e.g. an organization or a situation.

The two of the 10 schools of strategy thoughts that i have chosen to explain in my own words are as follows:-

i) The Entrepreneurial School:-

The entrepreneurial school describes the strategy formation as a visionary process.


The charismatic leader or the founder is the person who does the visionary process inside his/her mind.



In Short:-

Architect of the strategy is the CEO of the organization. Envision!


A visionary CEO with a sound vision can help the business organization to operate and survive effectively through difficult times too. From the early stage to the later stage of the organization.


Potentially unexpected dangers or developments of dangers can arise any time when we walk on a pre-defined course. Its an extremely demanding job for the CEO in this perspective.

The real world example of “The Entrepreneurial School” can be taken as “Apple Inc.” Its then CEO late Steve Jobs was a very visionary and effective leader of this organization, who took this company to the very top level.

ii) The Learning School:-

The learning school describes the strategy formation as an emergent process.

·        Approach:-

“What does work” and “what doesn't work” is the main observations that the management do. Then in their plan of action, they include “lessons learned”, and focus on doing best afterwards.

·        Basis:-

Learning theory, Education

·        In short:-

“Try again, even if you don’t succeed at first attempt.” Learn!

·        Contributions:-

Strategy formulations has complexities and unpredictability in the process, and the main contribution of “The Learning School” is to offer a solution to deal with the complexities and unpredictability in strategy formulation.

As for the real world example of “The Learning School”, I have chosen the once mobile phone leader “Nokia”. Nokia was at first a leader in mobile phone market and, with the time gone many other mobile companies came up with brilliant ideas, designs and better operating systems. This resulted in the decline of Nokia. Now, Nokia learned from its mistakes and has worked really hard on their mobile designs and has adopted a new operating system from Microsoft, which is Widows Phone. Now, it is rapidly increasing its sales and is progressing steadily. This can be the perfect example for “The Learning School”.

Case Study:-

Today's case study provided us with the information's related to Google, informing us about different activities that Google was undertaking. Everyone had different opinions about Google’s strategies being deliberate or emergent.

How much will Google’s magic last?

i) Would you describe Google’s strategy as being deliberate or more emergent? (list reasons for your answers)

Google has deliberate strategy due to the following reasons:-

·Advertisements are spreaded to the targeted users through softwares which are very carefully executed and planned, which is a deliberate act by Google.

·Use of environment friendly projects like those related to wind energy, cars without drivers which makes us think that Google really cares for the future and environment.

·Google tends to consume very long time in planning, analyzing their products and activities so that it gives them benefits over long term not just for short-run. Google has a very lengthy decision making process.

Google has Emergent strategy due to the following reasons:-

·Apple Inc had a complete autonomous dominance in the smart phone market, that's why Google came up with its own operating system which is “Android”, and its getting popular day by day. That's why it can be considered as an emergent strategy.

·At first, Google was only a search engine but Google wanted to spread their business much wider, So as an emergent strategy it acquired YouTube. It doesn't just wanted to be known as a search engine.

·Google applies emergent strategy to retain its employees too. It provides them with many offers like free meals, massage, etc, which is a very good and effective strategy.

ii) what are the advantages of being experimental?

The advantages for Google being experimental are as follows:-

·By experimenting Google could be able to create attractive designs and innovative products and services, which could give them the competitive advantages over their competitors, and also attract more people towards its products and services.

·Clean and green energy exploration and experimentation could help Google is gaining people’s faith towards it and garner its reputation of being a socially responsible company.

·Innovation and creativity, experimentation and exploration, socially responsible, etc all of these factors would help Google to be successful in all areas it works on.

iii) What are the dis-advantages of being experimental?

The dis-advantages of being experimental for Google are as follows:-

·Involvement in any projects which we are not experts on, has the high probability of becoming a failure, this can also happen with Google.

·The top management has to look all the projects areas that Google is planning to expand, which makes the decision making process very lengthy, it is also indicated by Xooglers.

·They would be vying and arguing between the employees because they will be competing with each others.

4)      What do you think of their strategy, try and justify and support your views?

Google is always trying to experiment, innovate and come up with unique ideas that would make them unique and get them competitive advantage over the rivals. It has got the never ending thirst for market expansion. From just a search engine, now it has acquired YouTube, which is a big hit. It has landed itself in the smart phone market by launching its own operating system “Android”, which is doing very good. It has launched Google Plus to compete with the social networking giant Facebook. It is adapting itself very well in the ever-changing technological world. This makes them the horse of a long race. They have every capabilities to survive and sustain in long-run.

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