Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 15

1.      Why has this artist been so successful? What are her key sources of sustainable competitive advantage?
·         Think about her unique resources and core competencies, think about how she has responded to changes in the external environment, why is she difficult to imitate?

Madonna is a very famous American singer, writer, actress, dancer and entrepreneur. She is one of the biggest and most successful artist and literally no one can be compared with her. She has been ruling the music industry for more than 30 years, and it’s not an easy thing to do. The only reason she has been able to do so is simply because of her strategy. She has been changing her strategy with the change in time, this has helped her to survive and sustain successfully in the industry.

Madonna’s early image:
·         Punk-Pop image
·         Highly featured on MTV
·         A very remarkable performance at the MTV VMAs of 1984
Strategy of high fashion look is what Madonna was following in the 90s. Gay club scene and emancipated women were the main target groups of Madonna during that time. And, she was also awarded for her critically acclaimed role in the movie “Evita”.
Madonna’s key sources of sustainable competitive advantage are as follows:-
·         Good Vision
She has always been considered as an artist with good vision. She was always in the spotlight for her music, acting, and fashion. She knew what kind of music people loves to hear and accordingly makes them.

·         Better understanding of customers and industry
Madonna knew about “what it takes to become successful in the industry and with customers”. Madonna knew about the taste and preference of music lovers and made her music accordingly. Glamour, fashion and nudity were an important element of her music and particularly in her music videos and concerts, and she was very famous for all of this.

·         Continuous renewal
As the time changes, she also changed her strategy in order to sustain in the industry. This tendency of her continuous renewal is also a key source of her sustainable competitive advantage.

·         Leveraging competencies and addressing weaknesses
Leveraging her competencies and addressing her weakness were a very major factors of Madonna’s sustainable competitive advantage.

·         Consistent implementation
Consistent implementation of her strategies, vision, and goals made her the greatest and most successful music artist as she is now.


·         Ability to be a step ahead of others
·         Ability to take chances
·         Self-confident
·         Independence
·         Ability to create fabulous shows on scene and in life
·         Performer talent
·         Recklessness

Competences for competitive advantages


·         Singing capabilities (Voice) and her looks.
·         Sex appeal and glamour (appearances, music video and concerts)
·         Style (fashion) and dancing.

Strategies from 1893-2010 by which Madonna has responded to change

·         No Frills (1983 A.D.)

Low added value/Low Price:

Being a new entrant in the industry, having something more innovative and unique was very much important for Madonna to establish in the industry. It was her voice, singing and dancing style, her looks, style and glamour which became the unique resources for her.

·         Differentiation (1984 A.D.)

The product/services which Madonna was offering to the audiences were providing the audiences with benefits which were very widely valued by the audiences and were different from those of her competitors.

Blue Ocean strategy” – “Creating or searching for wide open spaces, free from existing competition, and fill strategic gaps in the market, opportunities that are not being fully exploited by competitors

      Focused differentiation (1985-2013 A.D.)
Madonna as an image and a brand herself was very difficult to imitate. Her songs are regarded as a premium products and are very heavily branded. Her high perceived benefits justifying a sustained price premium usually to a selected market segment helped her to be sustainable in the market.

What strategy directions could the artist pursue over the next ten years to continue her commercial success?

·         Consider each of the four boxes from the Ansoff matrix. What new products or markets could she enter? How might she diversify or continue to penetrate her existing market? Try to think logically but also creatively and innovatively

 Following could be the strategic direction that the artist could pursue over the next ten years to continue her commercial success which I have tried to show through Ansoff Matrix:-

Market Penetration
Target different groups of people:
·         Different age groups and genders
·         Different demographic profiles from normal customers.
·         Do musical tours in foreign countries so that the audience can increase for her music.

New products and services
·         Encourage and help other people to come to music industry, this can help in building goodwill and public trust.
·         Involve in charity and other social activities.
·         She can become music producer for other established and upcoming artist.

Market Development
·         Promotions.
·         Advertise, to encourage more people introduce a loyalty scheme.
·         Buy a competitor company (reputed music company or production house)
·         Encourage and develop new talents.
·         Collaborate her music with all sorts of artists from Rap and Hip-Hop to RNB, Rock, Metal, etc. It can help her expand her audience reach and extend her career too.

Conglomerate Diversification
·         Launch music in foreign language for foreign audience.
·         Expand concerts and stage shows in foreign countries.
·         Collaborate with foreign artists, music directors, producers so that she can reach to world-wide music audiences.


MADONNA - THE SPICY DESSERT (11 February, 2010)  [Online] Available from: http://flavor-of-success.com/success-stories-madonna-the-spicy-dessert/   [Accessed on 2 March, 2013]

MADONNA - AN UNLIKELY SUCCESS STORY (2010/2011) [Online] Available from: http://bornpowerful.com/2010/11/madonna-an-unlikely-success-story/  [Accessed on 2 March, 2013]

MADONNA'S REAL LIFE (28 April, 2003)  [Online] Available from: http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20139887,00.html  [Accessed on 3 March, 2013]

MADONNA BIOGRAPHY [Online] Available from: http://www.biography.com/people/madonna-9394994   [Accessed on 3 March, 2013]

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