Thursday, April 4, 2013

Week 18

How can the change kaleidoscope and force-field analysis help an organization to deliver its intended strategy? 

Change Kaleidoscope

During change, organizing and bringing together a wide range of implementation options and related features is very important and this purpose is fulfilled by Change kaleidoscope. Change kaleidoscope was developed by Hope Hailey and Balogun in 2002. For the task of implementing any kind of strategies in an organization there needs to be considered many factors like competencies, current resources and other aspects of an organization, and Change kaleidoscope model deals with them.
There are different types of questions contained in the Change kaleidoscope regarding the particular organization, which helps in understanding and identifying every single aspect of an organization. Doing this, an organization can regularly observe and monitor the change under implementation. It helps to picture the change as a process rather than a controllable and fixed transition of events.
The eight contextual elements that consist on change kaleidoscope are as enlisted through the diagram and table below:

Image source:


How quickly is change needed? Is the organization in crisis or is it concerned with longer-term strategic development?


What degree of change is needed? Does the change affect the whole organization or only part of it?


What organizational assets, characteristics and practices need to be maintained and protected during change?


Are the different staff / professional groups and divisions within the organization relatively homogeneous or more diverse in terms of values, norms and attitudes?


What is the level of organizational, managerial and personal capability to implement change? Is there a need to improve this capability before the change process can be started?


How much resource can organization invest in the proposed change in terms of cash, people and time?

Readiness for change:

How ready for change are the employees within the organization? Are they both aware of the need for change and motivated to deliver changes?


Where is the power vested within the organization? How much latitude of discretion does the unit needing to change and the change leader possess?

Image source:

Force-field analysis:

Force Field Analysis was developed by an American social psychologist named Kurt Lewin using Force Field Diagrams. According Kurt Lewis “an issue is held in balance by interaction of two opposing sets of forces- those seeking to promote change (driving forces) and those attempting to maintain the status quo (restraining forces)”. For any individual or organization, driving forces must be higher than restrictive/preventive forces for the change to happen.
Evaluating, analyzing and identifying the various forces that are involved in an issue is the main task of force-field analysis, and this is why this method is used. By identifying the positive and negative forces, it helps an organization by providing with the alternatives to take the decisions towards the desired change, so that the organization can fill up the gaps in the change process and successfully implement the strategy.

Change Kaleidoscope of Hewlett-Packard at the time of Meg Whitman's arrival.


·         About value based management, 2013.[online] force field analysis and diagram- Kurt Lewin [Accessed 3rd April 2013]

·         About Thompson, C., 2013. Expect HP revenue growth in 2014 [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 3rd April 2013]
·          About Proworkproject,. Change kaleidoscope. [online] Available at: <  > [Accessed 3rd April 2013]
·         About mind tools, 2010. force field analysis. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 3rd April 2013]
·         About Mickey,J,. 2013. Strategic Change Context using a change kaleidoscope and force-field analysis[online] Available at: < > [Accessed 3rd April 2013]  

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